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  • Picture of a woman working in a logistic center

    About Us

    Learn more about PhiShop

Who are we?

With more than 100,000 parcels shipped per year, PhiAcademy GmbH is now one of the international market leaders in B2B online trade with beauty products. The export share is over 90% - the almost 1,000 products are sent from the 23rd district of Vienna to over 160 countries worldwide. Around 50 employees ensure a smooth logistics process, competent customer service and a user-friendly online shop.

All employees work in a very customer-oriented manner and react quickly to market conditions. The teams are very concerned about rapid implementation and constantly ensure that customers are satisfied and that they offer the best possible service.

Innovation is also very important at PhiAcademy GmbH! Creating new products and ideas are our central challenges in the company. This ensures that we are always able to offer our customers and employees the latest developments, which is not only a decisive competitive factor, but also ensures long-term growth.

What sets us apart?

A flat hierarchy and democratic management style are the key factors for employee motivation and thus also for the company's success. The family-like relationship between the employees ensures a particularly pleasant working atmosphere and enormous cohesion in projects and everyday challenges. The activities in the company are enjoyable for the employees, who are thus willing to go new ways together and to constantly create improvements. Most colleagues have been with PhiAcademy GmbH from day one and are proud to help shape the company and its success. They can directly experience the results of their work every day. Due to the high level of involvement in the topics, the cooperation with the management team is characterised by trust, as the employees have very broad scope for action, which promotes creativity and the development of new ideas and concepts.

There is the possibility to specialise in areas of particular interest. The staff know exactly where their strengths lie and use this in their work. In regular feedback rounds with the management team, these are discussed in order to use all strengths in the best possible way.

The team not only ensures excellent work planning, but also enormous flexibility. In the case of new challenges and new topics, they organise the fastest possible and well-structured distribution of tasks among themselves so that the work is carried out smoothly.

Teamwork is characterised by give and take, which works very well at PhiAcademy, as both employer and employee are moving in the same direction with the same goal.

The satisfaction of the employees is visibly transferred to the customers on a daily basis, as evidenced by numerous evaluations and daily positive feedback from various countries around the world. Customer satisfaction is reflected in the more than 150 packages ordered daily and provides PhiAcademy GmbH with a flourishing business.

Photo of Great Place to Work Award

PhiAcademy GmbH - a great place to work

We are really honoured, that in 2021, we made it among the top 40 in Austria at the "Great Place To Work" Award. 
This makes us very happy and confirms even more the importance of employees being a priority. One of the most rewarding things about being an employer is to see them enjoying their work and contributing to the success of the company.
We are proud that PhiAcademy is one of Austria’s best!

What inspires us?

All persons in the company know that as employees they are especially appreciated for their loyalty and achievements. This is shown through praise, recognition through bonuses for special achievements, Christmas vouchers and birthday surprises. Joint lunches at the company premises are, of course, not to be missed. Especially when a new employee is welcomed, there is a joint lunch to welcome the new colleague into the team and to get to know him or her better.

The entire team is made up of people from different countries and languages, so it is a special pleasure for the staff to celebrate various customs and occasions together in small groups. For example, the Polish "Krapfen Day" is celebrated every year. On this day, the employer surprises the employees with over 150 delicious doughnuts from the wonderful Unterwaltersdorf, which they can enjoy together during the coffee breaks.

Weddings or university graduations are also celebrated together. The break rooms in the company are used for this purpose or barbecue parties are organised outside.

When colleagues start their maternity leave, they are accompanied home on this day with a large baby basket, given by the team members. Furthermore, the births of colleagues' babies are eagerly awaited and celebrated.

The company offers great diversity, especially in human terms. The marketing department alone consists of people from 6 different countries: Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Hungary, Lebanon, Bosnia. As great as the linguistic and cultural differences of the colleagues are, as great are the similarities. Diversity in our teams promotes understanding for target groups from other cultural backgrounds, drives innovative thinking in the company and ensures better customer service.

How do we deal with Covid?

Even in times like these, the company sticks together. Especially during the COVID crisis, the sense of unity has become even stronger and the team handles the situation calmly and confidently.

During this time, PhiAcademy GmbH focuses especially on taking action and maintaining the well-being of all employees in the company. In the offices, as well as in the warehouse, enough space per employee has been created, while some other rooms have been rearranged so that there is enough space for everyone.

In departments where the team can work from home, home office has been introduced and all the necessary resources have been provided by the employer as soon as possible. The best possible protection is also provided for the colleagues working in the packing stations and in logistics by introducing shift work.

FFP2 masks are regularly distributed to all persons in the company. Disinfectants are available in all rooms. Free weekly tests are carried out with all employees as part of the "company test" campaign.

In this way, operations continue smoothly, staff feel safe and are able to work on their projects and keep the business running.

What do employees say?

'PhiAcademy gives me a feeling of security and appreciation. Through seminars and further training with my colleagues, I enjoy my work even more, which also increases the feeling of togetherness in our team. I am happy to be part of the PhiAcademy and appreciate that our employer takes great care of its employees. Also, numerous fun team events remain unforgettable!'

Ilona - Customer Care

'Openness and trust are particularly important in our company. I am very interested in my field of work, I feel comfortable here and I like the fact that I can make major decisions myself together with my team. This motivates me and shows good results for the company. I like to take responsibility and I am happy that I can do exactly that in my job. I feel very comfortable in the company and my performance is valued by the employer.'

Michael - Warehouse & Logistics Center

'I think it's great that I can bring my own ideas to every project, so I can use my creativity beyond marketing. My supervisor provides everything that makes my work easier and creates a good team structure. Even the cooperation with my colleague who moved to Italy works very well thanks to video calls. I enjoy my work and feel closely connected to my team.'

Christine - Marketing Manager