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Únase a nuestra Red de Afiliados para ganar una provisión mensual por promocionar los productos de PhiShop.  
Hemos reunido la información más importante sobre nuestro programa de afiliación - desplácese hacia abajo para obtener respuesta a las preguntas más frecuentes.  
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How does affiliate and our partner program works

When you join our Phi Partner Program you can earn monthly commission for promoting PhiShop products. The Phi Partner Program is an advertising model in which Phi compensates third-party partners for promoting products and services. So you use your reach to promote PhiShop's best products and earn real money in return.

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Your benefits as a Phi Influencer

Attractive provision

Commission model that also increases depending on the products distributed and no provision limit.
You can earn up to 15% commission on a sale.

Build passive income

Any time someone makes a purchase using one of your created links via our partner program, you earn a commission. Day or night, your links are at work for you. This ability to make money long after you’ve put in the work setting up.

Do it from anywhere

Our Phi Partner Program is a completely digital pursuit, so all you need to participate is an internet connection and a device.

30 days cookie-lifetime

The cookie-lifetime ist the time how long you can potentially earn a provision after somebody clicks on your link, even if they don't make a purchase yet. So your follower have 30 days time to place their order and you benefit from it.

Ideas on how to promote Phi products and earn money easily

Cámara fotográfica kodak vintage con funda y correa de cuero
Suculenta en una olla blanca frente a fondo azul claro
Gafas de sol con montura dorada sobre superficie de mármol reflectante

Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are a good way to interact with other users and share experiences. Perhaps you already have a well-performing profile with interested followers who are happy to receive information about Phi products. For example, you can add a specially created link to your Instagram bio to draw attention to new Phi products and earn commission on purchases.


Do you actively run a blog where you write about current trends in the beauty and PMU world or compare different products with each other? In this case, our Partner Programme would also be exciting for you, because you can also use our affiliate links on your own website/blog and earn money as a result.

E-mailing or short messages

If you use emails or short message services to keep your students up to date or tell them about new courses, we recommend linking this to product recommendations and using your affiliate links.

You are interested? Let's join our Phi Partner Program

You have made the decision to participate in our Affiliate Partner Programme, this means that you have to create an account on our affiliate partner Webgains plattform and then join our program.